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Tips & Tricks

The Cox Cup is awarded for most points in Section A. The Miller Cup is awarded for the best  exhibit in Section A and the Snelson Cup for the most points obtained by a novice in Section A.  Soft fruit should always be on a dish (an ordinary small paper plate is fine). Currants should be  displayed in bunches. Individual fruit arranged in a circle, with the short stalks left on. If they are  nice and clean, then avoid the temptation to wash them but try to preserve any natural “bloom”  on the skins.  

All vegetables should be clean but avoid over-scrubbing. Large and well-filled pods are displayed  unopened (the judge may open one pod). Pick the pods with scissors to leave a little stalk on.

The Joan and Terry Cox Cup is awarded for best root vegetables. Root vegetables should have the  whole taproot left on, fine side roots can be neatly snipped off.  

Leafy vegetables should have as little trimming as possible. Only a few outer leaves should be  removed. 

Onions should be trimmed and tied off neatly with raffia and the roots trimmed off. As little of the  outer skin should be removed as possible and the bulbs should be ripe rather than green. 

Win The Millennium Cup for best sweet peas, The Joan Carr Cup for best roses and The Hampden  Cup for best perennial. 

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